Go to Voicethread.com

Click on the eye to 'take a peek' at Voicethread 4 Education wiki. 

Voicethread is a single image , video, multimedia slideshow that becomes a collaborative discussion. It is a powerful, easy to use application for creating work and sharing. 

It is unique in the world of Web2.0 apps. and has broad potential for powerful learning opportunities to be created with it.

Five reasons you should try Voicethread:

  1. It's free
  2. It is excellent for shared discussion
  3. Uses images, audio, text and video
  4.  Allows multiple points of view from many contributors
  5. It can be embedded in other applications

Here is an explanation of what a Voicethread is.

(embedded from http://voicethread.com/#home.b409) 

Here are a couple of examples of how we used Voicethread in our year 7/8 class. 

To view these Voicethreads click on close twice-they will work. Then hit play.